Business card Level 3 Menger Sponge at MIT and around the world
Jeannine Moseley did a folding session on the Menger Sponge with the Philomorphs once upon a time
John Coltrane and Geometry
hat tip to Steve Provizer
Camboo - bamboo pavilion for Phnom Penh
Constructive Interference - static-kinetic sculpture
Ornitographies by Xavi Bou
NASA’s space fabric - 4D printing, they say
Collatz Conjecture visualizations
Nick Cave’s Until at MOCA
Casey Curran’s kinetic sculptures
Seeing Theory - a visual introduction to probability and statistics
Buddy James visualizes the Dougherty Set
Hat tip to John Higli
The graphical language for the aliens in the film “Arrival”
Painting by Martine Bertrand upon which the language is based
Editorial Comment: The film is well worth seeing and the team designed about 100 symbols and a methodology to create more. Might be interesting to imagine such a language not only graphically but also sculpturally as well, a material speech.